+30 69745 27222 info@careincrete.com

Home Care

At Care in Crete, we know that it is important for your carer to have the ability to accommodate any needs you may have.

That’s why we make sure to carefully match up our carers to our clients in order to fulfil your individual requirements.

Everyone wants to maintain their independence and quality of life but sometimes we just need a bit of extra help…

Do you need additional support with household tasks, personal care, doctor or hospital visits, or any other activities? Perhaps you need a carer to come once or twice a week – perhaps more. Home care is tailored to YOUR needs and daily schedule – it ranges from a daily visit for one hour to full time live-in care.

Sometimes it’s not that you need a full-time or even a part-time carer, it’s just that as you grow older you may find that frailty or health conditions mean that you need a pair of extra hands to help with every-day tasks. Care in Crete can provide that extra help – this may range from simply giving a hand with the household jobs and help with meal preparation, to accompanying you to your doctor’s appointment or just keeping your loved one company while you pop out for lunch. Whatever you need, our Care in Crete Companions are there for you.

If you live alone, you may find that you are unable to follow your daily routine after a hospital stay or during recuperation after an illness. You may want someone in the house to help with personal care and daily chores you are temporarily unable to do… or just to be there in case you have a problem.

A Care in Crete Companion can help you maintain your quality of life and independence, with minimal interference with your daily routines. All Care in Crete staff are English-speaking with some speaking other European languages such as German, Danish and French.


Home Care

Hospital Care

Holiday Care

Respite Care

